Just In Time production (JIT)

An important decision for a nursery manager is what percentage of the capital intensive glasshouses and polyester tunnels to utilise for which plants. The Just In Time (JIT) production model applies also to the Horticultural Industry. It requires the nursery to have the right species available at the right time otherwise revenue possibilities are lost. With lead times for their products ranging from several weeks to several years, long term planning and short term scheduling are essential processes which can determine the profit and survival of a business. HortiBench assists the nursery management in making these important decisions by calculating every detail and finding an optimal growing plan.


Sales planning on screen

The availability of the different varieties you grow can be seen on screen. You enter a species and HortiBench shows you how many plants will be available for sale of every variety for the coming weeks. This can be used by the sales desk. To see all the weeks of your season and all the varieties at the same time you can print the Sales Availability report.
